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| In the last decade there has been a trend in Architecture to design façades in which all structural elements are made of glass. This trend has also extended to other parts of the building such as rooflights, staircases, etc.
| A modular system allows you to create a larger design by joining glass panels together in a line.
| With the myriad of glass type available now, it is often confusing what to choose in terms of safety, thermal and solar performance and balancing cost with the benefits on offer.
| There are an increasing amount of products available that offer varying degrees of natural daylight and most will be familiar with smaller scale skylights, rooflights or roof windows.
| When you install rooflights, you’re adding a host of benefits to your home. Rooflights can be installed in tight spaces where traditional windows cannot, they flood rooms with natural light and can be tailored to fitted in any home, in a wide…
| Skylights are a great way of letting that sunshine and natural light flood into your home.